When To Rebrand Your Business – Advice From A Freelance Graphic Designer

When To Rebrand Your Business – Advice From A Freelance Graphic Designer

Freelance Graphic Designer Dallas Time for a Rebrand Blog Post


For many business owners, a rebrand can be an exciting prospect. A fresh start that that will hopefully bring in sales or leads. But before you get any crazy ideas and start reaching out to a freelance graphic designer, you need to understand whether a rebrand is right for your business. Just because you don’t like your brand’s logo doesn’t mean you need to start from scratch.

In Dallas, the market is competitive, and companies constantly look for designers to rebrand or reinvent their business. But sometimes, this can be damaging. So how do you know when a rebrand is right for your business? You could be starting to look too much like your competitors or feeling old and outdated. Or perhaps your mission has changed, and the branding no longer reflects your values. Whether it be one or all three – you’re in the market for a design change.

3 signs you need to rebrand

It’s important to note that all rebrands should not be undertaken on a whim and should be based on thorough leadership discussions and significant research.

Here are three reasons when those discussions should begin, and you should start eyeing up a freelance graphic designer.


1.You look like your competitors

Nothing is stagnant, and industries are constantly changing and evolving. Your brand must do the same. You need to be different from your competitors, show originality, and stand out. This is how you will steal customers from your competitors and stay top of mind with consumers. New business Hulu achieved this effect when they launched into the market. Hulu differentiated itself from the red, white, and black featured throughout the Netflix and YouTube logos with their green gradient color and branding. 


2. Your brand is outdated

This is probably the number one reason brands want to rebrand. Times change, and with it, so do color trends, font styles, and specific imagery. If you feel like your branding is out of touch, then it’s probably time to reach out to a Dallas freelance graphic designer.

Industries that evolve quickly constantly face this problem. Look at a business like Google who has had seven logos in the past 20 years. Remember that a new logo isn’t always the right choice and could impact the way consumers recall your business. Do some research before you make a move.

3. The current branding doesn’t reflect your values

Millennials and Gen Z are focused on buying from brands that share their values. They want to purchase from mission-based brands that are doing good for the world while providing an exceptional product or service. If you have a strong strategy, brand voice, purpose, mission statement and know your core business values, your branding should reflect that. This isn’t always the case and having a visual identity that is consistent with your brand voice is very important.


My name is Kevin, and I am a Dallas-based freelance graphic designer. Reach out on the form below if you feel like a rebrand is right for your business – and you want to create a visual identity that generates sales and leads today.





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