Adobe Live: Oakstreet Coffee Roasters

Kevin Craft

Art Direction
Package Design
Logo Design

ADOBE LIVE Coffee Roasters Brand Identity

I feel so honored to have been able to do a coffee roasters brand identity for Adobe Creative Cloud Live. It’s not often we get recognized for our work as designers, so given this opportunity really means a lot to me. I couldn’t have done it without my host Kieron Lewis, who kept things moving and made sure everyone was able to ask my questions during the whole filming. In the videos below, watch me redesign a coffee shop’s cold brew bottle LIVE.

Designing a project live for Adobe on behalf of a local coffee roaster in Dallas, TX can be a daunting task. But with the right tools and know-how, creating a unique brand identity that speaks to the local community and the area’s oak trees is achievable. Adobe’s Creative Cloud Suite provides a range of powerful applications for all creative professionals. From Adobe Photoshop, and Illustrator, the suite has everything you need to design a memorable and impactful project. To create a brand identity for the local coffee roaster, I started by researching the local area and its oak trees. Using Adobe Creative Cloud to create a stunning logo or design element inspired by the area’s natural beauty. I then added text, color and other design elements to the logo to create a unique brand identity. Once the logo is complete, I used Adobe Illustrator to create a complete package of design elements, such as business cards and stationery, that are all connected to your new brand. By utilizing the Creative Cloud Suite, you can take the local coffee roaster’s brand identity to the next level and create a memorable project that speaks to the local community and the area’s oak trees. With the right tools, you can create a beautiful, unique and impactful brand identity that will resonate with customers.



coffee package design

brand designer


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