Brand Spotlight: Small Yard Flowers | Brand Identity

Brand Spotlight: Small Yard Flowers | Brand Identity

freelance graphic designer DFW


It always starts with strategy! Here are the slides from the strategy workshop I’ve done with Small Yard Flowers. We started with keywords, target customer, and a competitor brand audit. This ultimately led to a mood board with descriptions of ideas I have. That way this gets approved by both me and the client before design begins. For instance, here is where we decided the colors would be earthy and kind of off beat in tone to stand out from the other competitors. I always do this via a video call with my clients so we can work on it together and give my them a worksheet of this information so they can reference it later



freelance graphic designer DFW


freelance graphic designer DFW


Here was option 1 of Small Yard Flowers. I go through the two concepts of the process on video-call with the client. Here this mark was about showing this abstract, natural shaped flower mark. for sustainability it uses the circle shape, to represent an enclosure protecting the flower. The type and patterns are inspired by handmade linocuts, to give it even more natural undertones. And lastly, offbeat colors were presented with the earthy dark greens mixed with pale pinks. I like to explain the intention of every design choice I make during these presentation calls from typography to color choice.



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If you’re looking for some branding for your small business, feel to contact me below. I’d love to go over your ideas!
Kevin Craft | Freelance Branding Designer






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